
Diagnosing and supporting a range of heart issues with our in-house ECG machine.

Your pet's heart issues require the utmost care which we can guarantee with our veterinary expertise. We offer diagnostics for helping you pinpoint any issues your pet could have with their cardiovascular health. For example, our in-house electrocardiology (ECG) provides information about electrical activity in your pet's heart. If you have questions about ECGs, please contact us at 604-522-3344.

How does ECG diagnose heart issues?

Cardiology deals with a range of cardiovascular issues that stem from your pet's heart and blood vessels. During an ECG, several clips are attached to your pet's body to detect their heart's electrical activity. The information from your pet's ECG will tell us about their heart rate, heart rhythm, and potential arrhythmias (which are irregularities in their heartbeat).

Why does my cat or dog need an ECG?

In some cases, an ECG is part of our routine screenings. For example, senior pets are more prone to heart conditions so the procedure helps us assess their heart health. An ECG may also be recommended if your pet will need general anesthesia for an upcoming procedure, which allows us to determine how their body will respond to the medication. If we suspect your pet could have heart disease, we'll also recommend an ECG. Some signs of heart disease include:

  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decreased physical activity
  • Coughing
  • Weakness

Will my cat or dog need to be sedated for the procedure?

Your pet will need to be perfectly still during an ECG but in most cases, your cat or dog won't need to be sedated. We typically position them lying down or standing up on the examination table to place the clips on their skin, often at the base of their legs. It typically takes a few minutes for an accurate reading of the electrical activity in their heart. One of the benefits of having this equipment in-house is we can read the results as they're relayed by the ECG. If we detect any irregularities, like arrhythmia, we can determine the best steps you'll need to take for your pet's treatment.

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